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Over the past years, I published a range of articles covering modern PHP software development and Green IT. The following list covers the most important ones.

If you are interested in an article for your magazine or online platform, I’m happy to get in contact with you.

Grünfläche / Green Field

A monthly column in the German “Windows.developer” magazine by Henning Fries and Carsten Windler about sustainability in the IT. The first column was published in March 2022. ?? (Paywall)

Published in: Windows.developer

Green PHP

Reduce, Shift, Rethink – how to write sustainable software with PHP. An article in two parts, written for the German PHP Magazin.

Part 1: ?? (Paywall)
Part 2: ?? (Paywall)

Date of publication: 05/2023 and 07/2023
Published in: PHP Magazin

Clean PHP

Tips & best practices on how to write clean code in PHP. Improve code quality, readability and maintainability to write state-of-the-art software. ?? (Paywall) ?? (Paywall)

Date of publication: 03/2023
Published in: PHP Magazin

Green IT – nachhaltig Software entwickeln

What impact has the worldwide information and communication technology on ever faster going climate change? And what can we, the software developers, do against it? ?? (Paywall)

Published in: Windows.developer

Coden gegen den Klimawandel

An article about how IT has an impact on the climate catastrophe we are heading towards, and how to move our industry into a greener direction. ??

Date of publication: 01/2022
Published in: Informatik Aktuell


Everybody in the PHP world loves their frameworks. But using them has not only positive aspects, but also downsides. This article in the German “PHP Magazin” sheds some light on these aspects, and gives you some ideas about how to write modern PHP applications without a framework. ?? (Paywall) ?? (Paywall)

Date of publication: 08/2021
Published in: PHP Magazin